The new series I am working on is dedicated to those forms belonging to the Greek and Latin tradition. I decided to explore this huge heritage to understand where the shapes that belong to me the most come from. For the project I also chose to use exclusively green olive wood burl and turkey oak from my homeland that is where now I came back to live.
I usually come across the material along the fields of olive trees where the owners have decided for various reasons to remove these wonderful trees or in the woods dedicated to cutting firewood. Often the scenario I find myself in front of is quite similar, the atmosphere I breathe the same, a mix of feelings between the discovery and the sadness that comes to me walking through the rubble of the barbarism that has taken place and that those fallen trees testify. What I feel is the responsibility to denounce what I have lived and try to give these monuments of time their lives back through my aesthetic vision.
Decoration does not suit my spirit , I prefer to look in the material itself for those signs of time that have characterized it and that make its appearance unique, and through the use of those elements I express the forms that belong to me, constantly trying to establish a balance between myself and the material during all the processes necessary for the realization of the work.
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